Planet Nine does exist, but it is too far away to see

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For decades, scientists have theorised that there is a ninth planet – what would have been the 10th were it not for the downgrade of Pluto to a dwarf planet – in our galactic neighbourhood. The planet, named Planet Nine, is believed to be 10 times bigger than Earth and 20 times farther out from the sun than Neptune – the outer-most planet in the solar system.

While Planet Nine’s existence has yet to be officially proven, esteemed researchers strongly suspect that there is a large planet lurking in the far edge of our solar system. If the planet is there, then it could explain why the solar system is slightly off balance. In most star systems, the surrounding planets tend to rotate in line with their host. However, in our solar system, the planets are at an angle of six degrees off its axis.

Although researchers are now more than sure that Planet Nine is out there, it would be currently impossible to detect using current telescopes as it is so far.

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