Shocking footage has been shared online, purportedly showing the moment an unarmed teenage boy named Isiah Murietta-Golding was shot dead by a police officer after which the officer was hailed by his colleagues.
In a shocking video shared by human rights activist, Shaun King, a police officer is seen giving several orders to a passenger in a car.
"Open the door, step out, hands up, turn around, walk backwards, backwards, towards my voice. Stop right there, right there, and down on your knees, down on your knees," the officer said.
The boy obeyed all the orders but when he was asked to go down on his knees, he ran and jumped over a gate.
Police officers ran after the unarmed teen, and when it looked like he might get away, one of the officers named Ray Villalvazo, took aim, and shot Isaiah right in the head, killing him instantly.
About 20 seconds after he was murdered, Ray Villalvazo's colleagues from the Fresno Police Department, who witnessed the shooting, praised him, saying "good shot man!"
Shaun shared the sad video, writing:
As an unarmed, non-violent teenage boy named Isiah Murietta-Golding ran from the police, when it appeared he would get away, a police officer, Ray Villalvazo, too out of shape to climb the fence after him kneeled down, took aim, and shot Isaiah right in the head, killing him instantly. The @fresno.pd is notoriously violent and is never held accountable for their actions. Of course, the investigated themselves and cleared themselves of all wrongdoing. About 20 seconds after he murdered Isaiah the officers brashly bragged “good shot man!” like they were playing video games or hunting.
Watch the video below.